
Mode Bar Options

Display Mode Bar

Default Value: hover

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: hover,true,false

Documentation: Determines the mode bar display mode. If true, the mode bar is always visible. If false, the mode bar is always hidden. If hover, the mode bar is visible while the mouse cursor is on the graph container.

Path: config.displayModeBar

Mode Bar Buttons To Remove

Default Value: [List]

Type: any

Documentation: Remove mode bar buttons by name. See ./components/modebar/buttons.js for the list of names.

Path: config.modeBarButtonsToRemove

Active Color

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the color of the active or hovered on icons in the modebar.

Path: layout.modebar.activecolor

Bg Color

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the background color of the modebar.

Path: layout.modebar.bgcolor


Type: color

Documentation: Sets the color of the icons in the modebar.

Path: layout.modebar.color


Default Value: h

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: v,h

Documentation: Sets the orientation of the modebar.

Path: layout.modebar.orientation

Chart Configurations


Default Value: false

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether the graph is editable or not. Sets all pieces of edits unless a separate edits config item overrides individual parts.

Path: config.editable

Scroll Zoom

Default Value: gl3d+geo+mapbox

Type: flaglist

Flag Options: cartesian,gl3d,geo,mapbox

Flag Single: true,false

Documentation: Determines whether mouse wheel or two-finger scroll zooms is enable. Turned on by default for gl3d, geo and mapbox subplots (as these subplot types do not have zoombox via pan), but turned off by default for cartesian subplots. Set scrollZoom to false to disable scrolling for all subplots.

Path: config.scrollZoom

Static Plot

Default Value: false

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether the graphs are interactive or not. If false, no interactivity, for export or image generation.

Path: config.staticPlot

Interacting Options

Show Tips

Default Value: true

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether or not tips are shown while interacting with the resulting graphs.

Path: config.showTips

Click Mode

Default Value: event

Type: flaglist

Flag Options: event,select

Flag Single: none

Documentation: Determines the mode of single click interactions. event is the default value and emits the plotly_click event. In addition this mode emits the plotly_selected event in drag modes lasso and select, but with no event data attached (kept for compatibility reasons). The select flag enables selecting single data points via click. This mode also supports persistent selections, meaning that pressing Shift while clicking, adds to / subtracts from an existing selection. select with hovermode: x can be confusing, consider explicitly setting hovermode: closest when using this feature. Selection events are sent accordingly as long as event flag is set as well. When the event flag is missing, plotly_click and plotly_selected events are not fired.

Path: layout.clickmode

Drag Mode

Default Value: zoom

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: zoom,pan,select,lasso,drawclosedpath,drawopenpath,drawline,drawrect,drawcircle,orbit,turntable,false

Documentation: Determines the mode of drag interactions. select and lasso apply only to scatter traces with markers or text. orbit and turntable apply only to 3D scenes.

Path: layout.dragmode

Hover Distance

Default Value: 20

Type: integer

Min: -1

Documentation: Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to add hover labels (-1 means no cutoff, 0 means no looking for data). This is only a real distance for hovering on point-like objects, like scatter points. For area-like objects (bars, scatter fills, etc) hovering is on inside the area and off outside, but these objects will not supersede hover on point-like objects in case of conflict.

Path: layout.hoverdistance

Hover Mode

Default Value: closest

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: x,y,closest,false,x unified,y unified

Documentation: Determines the mode of hover interactions. If closest, a single hoverlabel will appear for the closest point within the hoverdistance. If x (or y), multiple hoverlabels will appear for multiple points at the closest x- (or y-) coordinate within the hoverdistance, with the caveat that no more than one hoverlabel will appear per trace. If x unified (or y unified), a single hoverlabel will appear multiple points at the closest x- (or y-) coordinate within the hoverdistance with the caveat that no more than one hoverlabel will appear per trace. In this mode, spikelines are enabled by default perpendicular to the specified axis. If false, hover interactions are disabled.

Path: layout.hovermode

Spike Distance

Default Value: -1

Type: integer

Min: -1

Documentation: Sets the default distance (in pixels) to look for data to draw spikelines to (-1 means no cutoff, 0 means no looking for data). As with hoverdistance, distance does not apply to area-like objects. In addition, some objects can be hovered on but will not generate spikelines, such as scatter fills.

Path: layout.spikedistance


Auto Type Numbers

Default Value: convert types

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: convert types,strict

Documentation: Using strict a numeric string in trace data is not converted to a number. Using convert types a numeric string in trace data may be treated as a number during automatic axis type detection. This is the default value; however it could be overridden for individual axes.

Path: layout.autotypenumbers

Plot Bg Color

Default Value: #fff

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the background color of the plotting area in-between x and y axes.

Path: layout.plot_bgcolor

Calendar Options


Default Value: gregorian

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: chinese,coptic,discworld,ethiopian,gregorian,hebrew,islamic,jalali,julian,mayan,nanakshahi,nepali,persian,taiwan,thai,ummalqura

Documentation: Sets the default calendar system to use for interpreting and displaying dates throughout the plot.

Path: layout.calendar

Hover Label Options


Default Value: auto

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: left,right,auto

Documentation: Sets the horizontal alignment of the text content within hover label box. Has an effect only if the hover label text spans more two or more lines

Path: layout.hoverlabel.align

Bg Color

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the background color of all hover labels on graph

Path: layout.hoverlabel.bgcolor

Border Color

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the border color of all hover labels on graph.

Path: layout.hoverlabel.bordercolor

Size Size

Default Value: 13

Type: number

Min: 1

Path: layout.hoverlabel.font.size

Name Length

Default Value: 15

Type: integer

Min: -1

Documentation: Sets the default length (in number of characters) of the trace name in the hover labels for all traces. -1 shows the whole name regardless of length. 0-3 shows the first 0-3 characters, and an integer >3 will show the whole name if it is less than that many characters, but if it is longer, will truncate to namelength - 3 characters and add an ellipsis.

Path: layout.hoverlabel.namelength

Transition Options


Default Value: 500

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: The duration of the transition, in milliseconds. If equal to zero, updates are synchronous.

Path: layout.transition.duration


Default Value: cubic-in-out

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: linear,quad,cubic,sin,exp,circle,elastic,back,bounce,linear-in,quad-in,cubic-in,sin-in,exp-in,circle-in,elastic-in,back-in,bounce-in,linear-out,quad-out,cubic-out,sin-out,exp-out,circle-out,elastic-out,back-out,bounce-out,linear-in-out,quad-in-out,cubic-in-out,sin-in-out,exp-in-out,circle-in-out,elastic-in-out,back-in-out,bounce-in-out

Documentation: The easing function used for the transition

Path: layout.transition.easing


Default Value: layout first

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: layout first,traces first

Documentation: Determines whether the figure's layout or traces smoothly transitions during updates that make both traces and layout change.

Path: layout.transition.ordering

Basic Options (Plotter)

Auto Size

Default Value: false

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether or not a layout width or height that has been left undefined by the user is initialized on each relayout. Note that, regardless of this attribute, an undefined layout width or height is always initialized on the first call to plot.

Path: layout.autosize

Color Way

Default Value: [List]

Type: colorlist

Documentation: Sets the default trace colors.

Path: layout.colorway


Default Value: 450

Type: number

Min: 10

Documentation: Sets the plot's height (in px).

Path: layout.height

Paper Bg Color

Default Value: #fff

Type: color

Documentation: Sets the background color of the paper where the graph is drawn.

Path: layout.paper_bgcolor

Show Legend

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether or not a legend is drawn. Default is true if there is a trace to show and any of these: a) Two or more traces would by default be shown in the legend. b) One pie trace is shown in the legend. c) One trace is explicitly given with showlegend: true.

Path: layout.showlegend


Type: any

Documentation: Default attributes to be applied to the plot. Templates can be created from existing plots using Plotly.makeTemplate, or created manually. They should be objects with format: {layout: layoutTemplate, data: {[type]: [traceTemplate, ...]}, ...} layoutTemplate and traceTemplate are objects matching the attribute structure of layout and a data trace. Trace templates are applied cyclically to traces of each type. Container arrays (eg annotations) have special handling: An object ending in defaults (eg annotationdefaults) is applied to each array item. But if an item has a templateitemname key we look in the template array for an item with matching name and apply that instead. If no matching name is found we mark the item invisible. Any named template item not referenced is appended to the end of the array, so you can use this for a watermark annotation or a logo image, for example. To omit one of these items on the plot, make an item with matching templateitemname and visible: false.

Path: layout.template


Default Value: 700

Type: number

Min: 10

Documentation: Sets the plot's width (in px).

Path: layout.width

Chart Margins (Plotter)

Auto Expand

Default Value: true

Type: boolean

Documentation: Turns on/off margin expansion computations. Legends, colorbars, updatemenus, sliders, axis rangeselector and rangeslider are allowed to push the margins by defaults.

Path: layout.margin.autoexpand


Default Value: 80

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: Sets the bottom margin (in px).

Path: layout.margin.b


Default Value: 80

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: Sets the left margin (in px).

Path: layout.margin.l


Default Value: 0

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: Sets the amount of padding (in px) between the plotting area and the axis lines

Path: layout.margin.pad


Default Value: 80

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: Sets the right margin (in px).

Path: layout.margin.r


Default Value: 100

Type: number

Min: 0

Documentation: Sets the top margin (in px).

Path: layout.margin.t

Multi Trace Options (Plotter)

Bar Gap

Type: number

Min: 0

Max: 1

Documentation: Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of adjacent location coordinates.

Path: layout.bargap

Bar Group Gap

Default Value: 0

Type: number

Min: 0

Max: 1

Documentation: Sets the gap (in plot fraction) between bars of the same location coordinate.

Path: layout.bargroupgap

Bar Mode

Default Value: group

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: stack,group,overlay,relative

Documentation: Determines how bars at the same location coordinate are displayed on the graph. With stack, the bars are stacked on top of one another With relative, the bars are stacked on top of one another, with negative values below the axis, positive values above With group, the bars are plotted next to one another centered around the shared location. With overlay, the bars are plotted over one another, you might need to reduce opacity to see multiple bars.

Path: layout.barmode

Bar Norm

Default Value:

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: ,fraction,percent

Documentation: Sets the normalization for bar traces on the graph. With fraction, the value of each bar is divided by the sum of all values at that location coordinate. percent is the same but multiplied by 100 to show percentages.

Path: layout.barnorm

Last updated