
Basic Options


Type: string

Documentation: When used in a template, named items are created in the output figure in addition to any items the figure already has in this array. You can modify these items in the output figure by making your own item with templateitemname matching this name alongside your modifications (including visible: false or enabled: false to hide it). Has no effect outside of a template.



Default Value: 1

Type: number

Min: 0

Max: 1

Documentation: Sets the opacity of the annotation (text + arrow).

Path: layout.annotations.index.opacity


Default Value: true

Type: boolean

Documentation: Determines whether or not this annotation is visible.

Path: layout.annotations.index.visible

Text Options


Default Value: center

Type: enumerated

Enum Options: left,center,right

Documentation: Sets the horizontal alignment of the text within the box. Has an effect only if text spans two or more lines (i.e. text contains one or more HTML tags) or if an explicit width is set to override the text width.

Path: layout.annotations.index.align


Type: string

Documentation: Sets the text associated with this annotation. Plotly uses a subset of HTML tags to do things like newline ( ), bold (), italics (), hyperlinks (). Tags , , are also supported.

Path: layout.annotations.index.text

Arrow OptionsStyling and AppearanceLayout and Positioning

Last updated